Monday, March 5, 2007

Nothing on TV....might as well cache

Well, after a hearty supper, Tigger and myself were surfing through the TV stations and even with DISH...I had over 200 channels of NOTHING to watch, so what else to do?? Cache of course. Even though the weather was a little cooler that what I like to frolic in, and it was closing in on dark, we bundled up, grabbed the Garmin and headed out the door for two locals that I had yet to find. Isn't it amazing that the cache's within 5 miles of your house are the ones you put off until "later". So off through town we went. Both were good caches, City Park Cache would have been better with the sun still up, but hey, that always gives us a reason to go back later. Anyway, going to be warmer this week so maybe I'll get to "grab" a few more, and with any luck, even get to fish a little on the way.

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